
Sufficient sleep can reduce Alzheimer's risk by 'cleaning' the brain

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

New research suggests that getting quality sleep can lower the risk of developing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Neurologists presenting at the Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association (ANA) have found that sleep plays a major role in reducing the risk of these conditions. The glymphatic system, which is activated during sleep, helps clear away toxins from the brain, further reducing the risk of neurological disorders. The study highlights the importance of getting at least seven hours of rest each night, ensuring a cool sleeping environment, and avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime.

The glymphatic system, which operates during deep level 4 sleep, clears waste materials from the brain, including harmful tau proteins and amyloid beta. This mechanism reduces the risk of neurological disorders and contributes to optimal brain function, memory consolidation, and emotional well-being. Additionally, improved sleep can lead to improved immunity, reduced stress levels, healthier eating habits, and fewer cravings for carbohydrates, all of which are beneficial for the brain.

The research also suggests that genetics significantly influence both sleep health and susceptibility to neurological disorders. Specific genetic variants associated with shorter sleep durations have been identified, which may delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's-like diseases and other neurological conditions.

To improve sleep quality, experts recommend maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring a dark and quiet bedroom environment, avoiding caffeine consumption after 3 p.m., refraining from using screens before bedtime, and engaging in regular exercise in the morning. Other tips include avoiding eating close to bedtime, limiting alcohol consumption, and practicing deep relaxation techniques such as the 4-8 breaths.

Overall, sleep has the potential to decrease the risk of developing neurological conditions. By improving brain health, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation, quality sleep plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall well-being and reducing the risk of neurological disorders. These findings emphasize the importance of prioritizing sleep and adopting healthy sleep habits to promote brain health.


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