
Reasons for increased urination frequency with age finally revealed

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 8 months ago

As we age, it's not uncommon to experience changes in our bodies, including bladder issues. Many people find themselves needing to urinate more frequently as they get older, but the reasons behind this can vary. We spoke with gynecologists, urologists, and pelvic floor therapists to better understand why this happens.

One possible explanation is a decline in estrogen levels, which typically occurs during menopause. Estrogen plays a role in maintaining bladder wall strength, so as it decreases, the tissues supporting the bladder wall can become weak and stiff, leading to increased urination frequency. If you suspect this may be the cause, it's worth discussing with your doctor and considering getting your estrogen levels checked.

Another potential reason is pelvic organ prolapse, where one or more pelvic organs are not properly supported by the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. If the bladder prolapses, it can sag into the vaginal wall, causing residual urine to remain after urination and creating the sensation of needing to go again. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like kegels can be helpful in managing this condition.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also contribute to frequent urination, particularly in women. As women age and go through menopause, changes in vaginal tissue and pH levels can make them more prone to UTIs. While symptoms may not include the typical pain associated with a UTI, frequent urination can be a sign. Treating and preventing UTIs can help alleviate this symptom.

Other factors that can contribute to increased urination frequency include having a smaller bladder, constipation, certain medications (such as diuretics), excessive caffeine consumption, an enlarged prostate in men, and type 2 diabetes. If you suspect any of these issues may be causing your symptoms, it's important to consult with your doctor who can run tests to identify the underlying cause.

While frequent urination can be bothersome, it's essential to approach the issue with an understanding that it may be a natural part of the aging process. By working with your healthcare provider, you can explore potential solutions and find relief.


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