
Pressing snooze doesn't increase fatigue; study reveals

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

A recent study conducted by researchers at Stockholm University in Sweden suggests that snoozing your alarm in the morning may not have as much of an impact on wakefulness as previously believed. The study involved 31 participants who regularly snoozed their alarms at least twice a week. The participants spent two nights in a sleep laboratory, with one night being a typical night without snoozing and the other night involving snoozing every 9 to 10 minutes after setting the alarm half an hour earlier.

Upon waking, the participants were given a saliva test to measure their levels of the hormone cortisol, which is an indicator of wakefulness. They also rated their sleepiness, mood, and cognitive performance immediately upon waking and 40 minutes later. The researchers found that cortisol levels were slightly higher after snoozing, but there were no significant differences in sleepiness, mood, or cognitive performance between snoozing and waking immediately.

Overall, the participants slept an average of six minutes less when snoozing, and there were signs of poorer sleep quality during the last half hour of their sleep, as measured by monitoring their brain waves. However, there were no substantial differences in sleep quality across the two nights as a whole.

It is important to note that the participants in this study were all regular snoozers, so the results may not apply to individuals who only snooze occasionally. Additionally, a survey conducted as part of the study revealed that 69 percent of nearly 1500 participants reported snoozing at least some of the time, primarily on work days. These participants tended to be women, younger, and more likely to consider themselves night owls compared to those who did not snooze.

In conclusion, while snoozing may result in slightly higher cortisol levels and slightly poorer sleep quality during the last half hour of sleep, there does not appear to be a significant impact on wakefulness, mood, or cognitive performance compared to waking immediately. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effects of snoozing on different individuals and their sleep patterns.


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