
One energy drink per month can disrupt your sleep

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 9 months ago

A recent study conducted by Norwegian researchers has found that drinking just one energy drink a month can increase the risk of sleep problems. The study focused on young people aged 18 to 35 and found that those who consumed energy drinks on a daily basis slept around half an hour less than those who drank them occasionally or not at all. The high caffeine content of energy drinks was identified as the primary factor contributing to poor sleep quality, even when consumed occasionally.

The study surveyed over 53,000 Norwegian students and categorized them into groups based on their energy drink consumption habits. The results showed that drinking any amount of energy drinks increased sleep problems. Men who consumed one to three energy drinks a month had a 12% greater risk of insomnia, while women had a 19% greater risk. Men who consumed two to three drinks a week were 35% more likely to have a bedtime after midnight and were also more likely to sleep less than six hours and wake up during the night. Similar patterns were observed for women.

Insomnia affects approximately one in three Brits and is associated with various serious health conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer's, anxiety, and depression. Energy drinks typically contain an average caffeine content of 150 mg per liter, as well as sugar.

These findings come on the heels of recent calls for a ban on the sale of energy drinks to young people due to their links with anxiety, stress, and even suicidal thoughts. The British Soft Drinks Association has emphasized that this study is observational and does not prove cause and effect. They also note that energy drinks with high caffeine content are required to be labeled accordingly.

The government is currently considering a proposal to prohibit the sale of energy drinks to children under 16 in England. As researchers continue to investigate the potential health risks associated with energy drink consumption, it is important for individuals to be aware of the potential consequences and make informed decisions about their consumption habits.


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