
Medical imaging is being transformed by artificial intelligence

  • 2 Min To Read
  • a year ago

Advanced imaging techniques play a crucial role in modern healthcare, providing clinicians with valuable insights and aiding in diagnosis and treatment. A recent study published in the journal Healthcare highlights a significant increase in the use of CT and ultrasound examinations over the past decade. This rise can be attributed to the advancements in medical imaging technology, which allow for more accurate and efficient diagnoses. As a result, there is a growing interest in making these tools more intelligent, user-friendly, and accessible.

In response to this trend, GE, a leading provider of healthcare devices and services, recently announced that it has been awarded a $44 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation to develop AI-assisted ultrasound technology. The primary goal of this initiative is to create a more user-friendly interface that will enhance a wide range of healthcare screening techniques, particularly in low to middle income countries. The aim is to improve healthcare outcomes and accessibility in these regions.

The President and CEO of Ultrasound at GE Healthcare, Roland Rott, acknowledges the power of ultrasound technology but highlights the need for guidance for lesser-skilled users. The grant aims to bridge this gap by providing support and guidance to users, enabling them to capture better images and diagnostic information.

This drive to improve imaging techniques extends to various modalities. A study published in the journal Radiology earlier this year demonstrated the potential of highly specialized AI algorithms in predicting breast cancer risk with notable accuracy. This study provides a tangible example of how AI can be integrated into a clinician's workflow.

Moreover, these imaging tools also hold promise for direct use by patients. Google Health's DermAssist, for instance, allows users to upload photos and answer questions to receive information about their skin concerns. Although still in its early stages, tools like DermAssist have the potential to revolutionize how individuals approach healthcare.

While there is still much development needed, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into imaging modalities shows immense potential. While clinicians bring a unique set of skills and considerations to patient care, AI tools can assist in triaging cases and supporting clinical decision-making. As imaging becomes increasingly integral to modern medicine, these innovations have the potential to greatly impact healthcare delivery.


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