
Definition and concerns of 'problematic smartphone use' require attention

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 2 months ago

Two recent studies have shed light on the potential negative effects of excessive smartphone use among teenagers, linking it to increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The concept of "problematic smartphone use" is defined as losing control over usage, being preoccupied with the device at the expense of meaningful activities, and feeling distressed when unable to use it.

While not officially recognized as a diagnosable condition by health organizations, researchers found an association between problematic smartphone use and mental health issues in teenagers. One study surveyed over 650 teenagers aged 16 to 18 and found that 19% exhibited problematic smartphone use, which was correlated with higher levels of anxiety and depression. Another study with 69 teenagers aged 13 to 16 found similar results, with an increase in the severity of problematic smartphone use linked to more severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Experts caution that these studies do not prove causation and suggest a bidirectional link between mental health issues and problematic smartphone use. It's possible that individuals with existing mental health symptoms may use their phones in a more problematic way. However, the fact that teenagers with signs of problematic smartphone use expressed a desire to cut down on their usage is seen as both concerning and positive.

To address concerns about excessive smartphone use, participants in the studies reported trying various strategies such as putting their devices on "do not disturb" mode and turning off notifications. Rather than imposing restrictions, experts recommend having open discussions with teenagers about the benefits and drawbacks of smartphone use. It's important to balance the positive aspects of staying connected with loved ones with the potential negative effects of excessive screen time. Additional research is needed to fully understand the impact of smartphone use on teen mental health.


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