
5 signs of abnormal stress you may be experiencing

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 8 months ago

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but not all stress is the same. According to experts, there is good stress, known as eustress, and bad stress, known as distress. Good stress can be motivating and energizing, such as the stress before a 5K run or a work presentation. It is usually short-lived and the individual can recover from it. On the other hand, chronic stress is long-term and has no definite ending. It can have significant physical and mental impacts on a person.

Chronic stress can be caused by various factors, some of which may be unavoidable. For example, medical conditions, poverty, living in a congested traffic area, and biases that marginalized communities face can all contribute to chronic stress. Discrimination and microaggressions are chronic stressors that marginalized individuals face, as they are constantly aware of the potential for discrimination or bias.

Chronic stress can lead to a range of health issues, including disrupted sleep, muscle tension, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, depression, and heart problems. It can also contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. Managing chronic stress can be challenging, but there are ways to address it. Identifying the causes of stress and making lifestyle adjustments can help. Relaxation techniques, physical activity, maintaining a support system, and practicing mindfulness and meditation can also be beneficial.

Seeking professional help is an important step if chronic stress symptoms are interfering with daily functioning. Mental health professionals can provide guidance and support in managing chronic stress. It is crucial to address chronic stress sooner rather than later to prevent further negative impacts on physical and mental well-being.

In conclusion, stress is a natural part of life, but chronic stress can have severe consequences on a person's health. Recognizing the different types of stress and taking steps to manage chronic stress can help individuals lead healthier and happier lives.


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