
1 out of 8 people globally are obese

  • 2 Min To Read
  • 6 months ago

A recent study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and their colleagues revealed alarming trends in global obesity rates. Between 1990 and 2022, obesity rates more than doubled among adults and quadrupled among children and adolescents worldwide. This increase has led to more than a billion people – approximately 1 in 8 individuals – being classified as obese, making it the most common form of malnutrition in nearly every country.

The study, which analyzed data from over 3600 studies involving almost 230 million people across 197 countries, found that obesity rates have risen significantly across all age groups and genders. Adult obesity rates saw the most significant increase in countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, and North Africa, while child and adolescent obesity rates surged in countries like Brunei, Chile, and various island nations.

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and other health complications. Researchers attribute the rise in obesity rates to the availability and consumption of processed foods high in calories and sugar. They emphasize that individual behaviors such as diet and exercise have minimal impact on obesity prevalence, highlighting the need for government policies to promote access to healthy foods and physical activity.

The study's senior author, Majid Ezzati from Imperial College London, expressed concern over the global epidemic of obesity affecting both adults and youth. He stressed the importance of proactive measures to prevent and manage obesity, calling for a comprehensive approach that addresses environmental factors contributing to unhealthy lifestyles.

As obesity rates continue to rise globally, it is evident that collaborative efforts between governments, healthcare professionals, and individuals are essential to combat this growing public health issue. By prioritizing policies that promote healthy living and address the root causes of obesity, we can work towards a healthier future for generations to come.


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