
Reasons why some people are immune to covid-19 discovered

A recent scientific study has shed light on why some individuals appear to be immune to catching the coronavirus that causes covid-19, even without being vaccinated. Researchers conducted a challenge study in 2021, where 16 healthy individuals who were not vaccinated or previously infected with the virus were exposed to the original variant of SARS-CoV-2.

The participants were divided into three groups based on their response to the virus. One group tested positive for the virus and exhibited symptoms, another group tested positive but remained asymptomatic, and the third group consistently tested negative for the virus. Through analyzing blood and nasal samples, researchers found that individuals in the second and third groups produced interferon, a substance that helps the immune system fight infections, before it was detected in their nasopharynx.

Furthermore, the participants in these groups did not show active infections within their T-cells and macrophages, indicating a strong immune response that helped prevent a sustained infection. The study also identified a gene called HLA-DQA2 that was associated with high levels of immune system activity before exposure to the virus.

Researchers hope that these findings will contribute to a better understanding of the immune responses that protect against covid-19, potentially aiding in the development of vaccines and treatments. However, it is important to note that the study only involved exposure to the original variant of the virus, and the results may not fully reflect cell responses to the diverse array of SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in the population.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the unique cell responses that may confer immunity to the coronavirus, highlighting the complexity of individual immune reactions to viral infections.


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