
Study suggests mRNA vaccines can be optimized for Covid

UK scientists have suggested that the revolutionary messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology used in some Covid vaccines could be fine-tuned for greater accuracy.

The researchers from the Medical Research Council found that about one in three people might experience a small error in the translation process of the genetic code when receiving the mRNA vaccines. While the existing vaccines are still effective and safe, the researchers believe that future ones could be improved to fight more diseases.

The mRNA vaccines work by showing the body's cells a bit of genetic code from the virus, which teaches the immune system how to defend against Covid-19. However, the translation process can occasionally result in the production of unintended proteins, although these proteins are harmless. The researchers have discovered that a simple tweak to the genetic code could eliminate these errors without affecting the desired protection against the disease.

This discovery is seen as a vital contribution to the future safety and reliability of mRNA vaccines. Experts have praised the study, calling it a landmark and emphasizing the importance of understanding these events. They also highlight that the population-safety record for these vaccines remains strong, with billions of doses administered worldwide.

The researchers recommend that future mRNA vaccines use the slip-resistant coding to reduce the possibility of triggering an unwanted immune response or side effect. Overall, the study underscores the ongoing commitment to monitoring vaccine safety and effectiveness, with the benefits of vaccination far outweighing any known side effects in the majority of patients.


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