
New study explores post-Covid-19 vaccination syndrome in largest sample

In a recent study conducted by researchers primarily from Yale University School of Medicine, post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) side effects were examined. The study, known as the LISTEN study, surveyed 241 individuals who had experienced PVS symptoms after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. While this sample size may not be very large in comparison to the number of vaccinated individuals worldwide, it is still larger than previous case reports and samples of PVS sufferers.

The study found that the most common symptoms reported by respondents were exercise intolerance (71%), excessive fatigue (69%), numbness (63%), brain fog (53%), and neuropathy (63%). These symptoms were not isolated, as half of the respondents reported experiencing 22 or more different PVS symptoms.

The majority of respondents had received the mRNA vaccines, with 55% receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 37% receiving the Moderna vaccine. Symptoms began after the first dose for 44% of respondents, the second dose for 33%, and subsequent doses for the remaining individuals.

The symptoms persisted for a median duration of 595 days, with some individuals experiencing symptoms for over a year and a half. These symptoms had a significant impact on daily life, with respondents reporting feelings of unease, fear, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. Sleep problems and pain that interfered with daily activities were also common.

The study also highlighted the lack of support and understanding for PVS sufferers. Many respondents reported having few people to rely on for help and difficulties in accessing assistance for daily tasks. Feelings of loneliness and isolation were prevalent among respondents.

Treatment options for PVS have been limited, leading respondents to try various treatments with mixed results. Respondents reported trying a median of 20 different treatments, including oral steroids, gabapentin, naltrexone, ivermectin, and bronchodilators. Lifestyle changes such as limiting exercise, quitting alcohol or caffeine, and fasting intermittently were also attempted.

It is important to note that this study has not undergone scientific peer-review, and the results should be interpreted with caution. However, it adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that some individuals may experience PVS as a result of Covid-19 vaccination. Further research is needed to determine the prevalence and causes of PVS. In the meantime, it is crucial to listen to and support individuals who are experiencing post-vaccination symptoms.


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